Monday, March 10, 2014

Letting go...

It's hard...

Whether it's you letting go or someone letting go of you, it's never easy, not if real emotion is involved. Sometimes turning points in your life aren't clear 90° turns and are more like shifting steps over or around obstacles or anything that can trip us up. Some moves are automatic, almost unconscious but, more often than not, they stop us in our tracks, give us pause...maybe even cause us to step back. Life is navigating a path thru wilderness. We can only see so far ahead of us and things can pop up without warning. And other times we see but think we can just push thru it. Sometimes we can and sometimes we can't. Some we can avoid and some we need to remove before we can progress forward.

Life is like just keeps going on, with or without us. It's a river with calm spots and rocky parts and occasional whirlpools that try to keep us in place to drown us. We can die or continue moving, struggling, fighting. And if something is weighing us down, we need to let it go or live with the consequences of holding on to things that aren't good for us.

Love is a two edged sword than can cut other or ourselves equally as deeply. There's Love that builds and Love that tears down. When Love cuts in such a way as to bleed you slowly to death, it's time to pull out that knife to staunch the negative flow. It may hurt like hell but now you can heal and give yourself the opportunity receive positive flow.

Pain isn't bad. It tells us when something is wrong and it can be cathartic...cleansing. So it all comes down to what you can and are willing to bear. If it's going to hurt either way, choose the pain that heals. Sometimes... it's time to let go.

Once again, I'm letting go.

Gotta admit, I'm really tired of this shit. I always let the sword cut too deep.

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